Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Mother's Excitements

The good thing about being a full time mom is that you can always be the first person who witnesses your kids development and enjoy every second of it.

Well, it's true,indeed.

Setelah resmi jadi emak emak penunggu goa *halah*, yg dengan sukses menghabiskan hampir 24 jam di rumah, Bersama satu gadis cilik cengeng dan seorg lelaki brindil kecil belum sekolah yg berhasrat memporak porandakan rumah (Ya Tuhan)
Gue jadi makin ngerti seluk beluknya 2 bocah ini.

Seperti pada umumnya anak2 yg punya orang tua dua2nya kerja, maka, yg terjadi ketika gue resmi jadi emak2 rumahan adalah...
Ni 2 Bocah nempel terosss kayak perangkoohh sama ekeehh! *tepok jidat*

Satu sisi,Percayalah teman, gak enak ngapa2in dilendotin.

Lagi browsing dan retouch2 foto d depan komputer, si brindil menyeruak masukin kepala di ketek kiri, keluar di ketek kanan lalu muncul lagi di sela2 dengkul... Sementara kakaknya ngiyeng2 minta bacain buku cerita.

Lagi mencoba jualan online, membongkar seluruh dagangan untuk kemudian di foto2in dan dilempar ke forum jual beli kaskus, yg ada barang dagangan abis ludes di minta sama 2 bocah ini dan dibagikan ke anak2 tetangga.

Lagi have some me time sambil melototin Dexter di dvd, tiba2 dvd dmatiin. Alesannya : "ma, gelitikin aku ma. Gelitikin akuuu. Aku seneng di gelitikinnn"

But on the other hand, I am 100% sure that this is how they express their excitement that their mommy is now with them 24 hours!

Beberapa tahun mendatang, ketika mereka udah sibuk sama urusan masing2, dan gue lagi sakaw bermanja2an sama mereka, belom tentu tuh mereka available.

:Haddeeuuh duh duh duh, senewen nih gue kl udah mikir ini.
( " Ndra, ntar siang kita bobok bareng yokkk, pelukan sama mamahhh". ---> dijawab Andra : gak bisa ma, aku janjian ama temen2 ku nonton di Blitz. )

Atau ( " De, kita kelitik2an yokk? ---> dijawab Raya : " aku latihan basket ma tar siang ").
GUBRAK ! Udah bagus gak dijawab raya : " kelitikan?? Udah gila kali mama".
Huuuaaaaa.. Gak sanggop bayangiiinnnn...

So now, I can say, being a full time mom is wayyy more fun than a working mom ( we sometimes lost all our energy just to be nice to them after work, aren't we ?).

I love how my kids needs me.

I enjoy every tense I feel when I found out that my little son has just drawing on our dining table with a black whiteboard marker.

I feel proud when I heard my little girl just open the front door coming home from school, and the first question she's asking to our house hold assistant was ; " Mama mana mbak ?" til she finally run to me.

I adore the smell of their heads when they just coming home from playing outside in the sun, even when it's really stink and sticky.

I'm in love with how my little son saying " I love you", " aku sayang mama" (even few minutes later when he got upset, he will said : Aku gak temen sama mama !"), the way he tell me a long long stories that I sometimes didn't even know what he's been trying to tell.

I love the feeling when they said : " aku mau bobo sama mama!" Or " Pipisnya sama mama ajaaa !" Or when they two had a little fight on "Ini mama kuuu" ---> " bukan, andraaaa, ini mamakuuu" ---> " Pokoknya Mamakuuuu!! Denger gak sih Raya??!"

I love how we 3 spend together in my bed for nap, And I will surely miss this moment once i decided to finally go back to office life.

I enjoy every second of their company.

And most, I love how they loves me as who I am.

Oh, well, this is getting so mellow yellow..

Why wouldn't I ?

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