Monday, November 16, 2009

A House, Husband and its problem

Pada saat nulis postingan ini, gua lagi abis bengong nontonin mamash mengganti railing sliding door belakang.
Mengapa bengong?

1. Ruangan jadi berantakan tak menentu, ada kali sekoper tools dikeluarin dr dlm toolbox. Td sempet nglirik, ada dua macem gergaji nangkring d meja, dan pritilan kecil2 yg gue gak tau namanya apa

2. Proses pembetulan sliding door ini sudah dilakukan dari minggu kemarin.
Yak, minggu kemarin sawdarah -sawdarahhh.
Genap seminggu.
Berawal dari berbelanja railing pintu yg rusak ini di Ace hardware.
Berhubung balik ke rumah udah malem, dan besok mamash harus kerja pagi2, pekerjaan diundur hingga hari sabtu pagi.

Dimulai dengan pembelian kayu, lalu pemlituran kayu (buat bonggol dimana rail pintu akan berada kelak, ntah kapan... *sigh* ), nunggu plituran kering, lalu ke sana nya makin gak jelas ngapain lagi .

Dan dihari minggu yang berbahagiah ini, lihatlah suamiku ntuh, udah jam 2 siang, dari pagi nglanjutin ngerjain pintu, sampe skrg belom kelar juga. Hanya Tuhan yang mengerti mengapa..

3. Suara bor listrik yg membuat hati, bak disayat sembilu, silih berganti terdengar dr kamar gue yg d lantai 2 ini.

4. Mamash terlihat gengsi mengakui kalo pekerjaan ini terlihat melampaui kemampuannya sbagai bapak2 yg terlahir tanpa bakat pandai besi sama sekalih.

5. Mamash mondar mandir ke depan komputer untuk googling cara masang railing pintu ini dr tadi. Googling, lalu mengangguk2 gk jelas, dan ngloyor ke bawah untuk nerusin kerjaan benerin pintu. Begitu beberapa kali.

Pada saat memutuskan menikah sama mamash, gue emang udah dlm fase pasrah tingkat tinggi menghadapi kenyataan bahwa org yg gue nikahin ini bukan tipe pria yg mahir dalam masalah pertukangan.
Nah, he's just not that type.

He's a man with HUGE responsibilities dedicated to his little family.
He's a husband and a father who is willing to give anything to make us feel secure.
But he's just not that kind of guy a wife would wish to make her a furniture, a small table, or even have him hang a small rack to your bathroom right away when you said it needs to be done by now.
Nope. Don't bother dreaming.

I bought a large painting when I was having vacation in Bali last may.
A little expensive, a big one which means I needed energy to brought it home.
Told him to hang it on our living room over and over.
Guess what? Until today, It still hides somewhere behind the closet.
Not hangin' on the wall, but behind the closet.

Frustating ? You betcha !
But this is interesting..
At first I was gonna make this kind of "behaviour" an issue in our family.
But you know what? The more you wanted your partner to change, the more frustated you will feel.
So I'm stuck here with 2 kinds of options ;

1. Do the blahblahblah things wife usually do to their husband, yelling (and yet he's not gonna get my messages) , try to understand why, and ended up feeling even more frustrated

And second one is just let him stay as he is.
We can always hire " tukang" to do that kind of job ( first, be sure to ask him whether he thinks he can make it or not) .
Face the fact that "pertukangan" is not really his speciality.

Well, in that case, for the sake of peace and harmony (gubrak!)
I will surely choose the 2nd option.
I let go of my dreams having a dining table made by my husband.
But still, remember, you guys... ,
Not being able to hang those frames/paintinga you bought is a major crime. Hakhakhakahak ! *ketawa setan*

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